Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Nursing Shortage

The nursing shortage was felt very much this weekend into Labor Day and even beyond. I have never felt it as much as I did yesterday... Stress levels are way up as we are short staffed and the babies just keep coming... If you are looking for a career where you are guaranteed a job after graduation, become a nurse. You will be hired immediately after you receive your diploma! You are needed. While every other career people are trying to find jobs, nursing is looking for people to work! Good pay, great flexibility, numerous job opportunities and roles, get paid to travel, save lives! Do it. So worth it :)

You know, I don't think I have ever worked so hard in my life as I did this weekend... Okay, so actually I have, but it just felt like it yesterday as it was day number 3 with a different assignment. It was intense. I am glad it was though b/c it kept me going for sure. Adrenaline is a great drug the body creates when you are stressed as it keeps ya on your toes! After adrenaline rushed thru me all day yesterday, I am sure feeling the after effects today. I don't want to move one part of my body. I'm fatigued, I'm exhausted, I'm aching all over. My body is screaming, what did you do to me?? (So is my brain ;) ) As I was finishing up my shift yesterday, the question was poised to me, "You wanna work tomorrow?" I was like, "Ah, no." I was thinking, "Are you CRAZY! Four 12s in a row? I could hardly do today, and you want me to come back tomorrow?! I can't. Physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, I can't. I couldn't safely practice if I did... And no, they were not kidding. I could have worked today as they are short. That's another reason why I'm stressed b/c I hate to leave us short staffed. Not only that, I also know I have to come back to that situation this weekend...

Please don't get me wrong, I love my job. I'm just stressed and drained of all my capacities. I need a break to refresh myself to gear up for another weekend... Ugh... don't even want to think about it :( We need more nurses.

One thing I am looking forward to is the leadership positions my job is leading to. A friend of mine and I presented a very touchy topic to a shared leadership meeting for our unit. In November, we will be presenting it to a shared leadership meeting for the entire hospital, and then we will be heading up a work group to create a policy for our hospital for it to be implemented t/o the whole hospital. I'm floored by where this topic has brought us. It's amazing to watch God work before our very eyes.

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