Monday, September 17, 2007

93 & Counting

93. Let that sink in a minute. 93. 93 what? years? dollars? people? kids? ...getting closer... dogs? no, but we've had 101 before... In fact, we've had over 101 before... getting scary isn't it...

93 what?


Yeah, we are currently providing care for 93+ babies with the anticipation of more on the way - multiples. They just keep coming! What was going on 6-7 months ago? Oh yeah, it was winter ;) Enough said.

Can you tell it was another crazy weekend at work. Definitely still feeling the nursing shortage as the need becomes greater as our census continues to rise. If you are having a hard time finding a job right now, consider a career in nursing. You are guaranteed a job as soon as you have your diploma in hand! There will always be a need as people are always getting sick - sad to say, but so true. The shortage is only going to get worse as the "older" nurses look to retirement. You are needed! It's a good career. Very rewarding. Get paid to travel. Great flexibility.

I enjoy it and don't anticipate going elsewhere. Even in the stressful times, it's still very rewarding. There is nothing better than sending home a set of twins after 4 1/2 long months... as I did recently (and they are bottle feeding!!) Doesn't get much better than that! :D

God is good :D

1 comment:

Chad Oneil Myers said...

Looking forward to seeing your concert pics in your flickr account.