Saturday, September 1, 2007

Is It Just Me??

Is it just me or are you finding it happening to you too? I just don't get it... What is it w/ guys? Why do they feel the need to do this? I mean, more than likely we will never meet, so what's the point? They seem to do it more when they are in a group. But you know what? I find women doing it too... It is just way too weird when women do it!

What? What? What?

(Yeah, it's fun to tease ya to no end... Now I know how it works in media ;) and for those of you in media who have done it to me hundreds of times onair... there's my paybacks ;) I won't mention any of my friend's names... JB, Mike, Joe, Tommy, Brook, Rich, Rick!! Good times :D )

What?? It seems that every time I go rollerblading, random guys driving by honk their horn at me. I find it happening almost at LEAST once a skate if not more. What's even more weird is that I've had women honk at me too! That's just WEIRD! It's one thing to have guys do it, but women?! What is the point for either? We will probably never meet and I usually find myself feeling like a dork as I wave at them as a reflex before I realize I have no idea who they are...

Just a pet peeve I have been wanting to vent about for a while. Thought I'd also lighten the mood from the previous post. :)

(Click pic to make bigger as looks best that way & Watch Your Back ;) )

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