Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Christmas site is coming along...

Well, we are working hard over here to get the WCSG Christmas site up and fully running. We are planning to have it done by this Thursday. There are 2 really cool projects that will be on it that I'm really excited about. I'll keep you posted as to when it's done and ready for full surfing...

Went rollerblading in shorts again tonight w/ 62 degree weather. Never imagined that I'd enjoy a warm November evening skating around my neighborhood to Avalon's Christmas Album, Joy, - my all-time favorite Christmas album by the way - enjoying the gorgeous Christmas lights that everyone has put up. It's fabulous! If you don't like skating, then go for a walk around your neighborhood at night while it's still warm - it's a great light show!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Is this Michigan?

It is 54 degrees right now at 9:57pm, Christmas lights and trees are up everywhere and it is November 27, 2006, in Michigan right now. Are we sure we live in Michigan? Feels more like Florida to me! BUT I'M NOT COMPLAINING AT ALL - I LUV IT!!!

Tonight after volleyball, I put on my rollerblades and went blading for about 3-4 miles in SHORTS! I started out w/ a long sleeve t-shirt on but eventually took it off. YES, I WAS ROLLERBLADING WEARING SHORTS AND SLEEVELESS IN MICHIGAN ON NOV. 27 AT 8:30pm AT NIGHT! I had Third Day's Christmas Offerings album playing on my MP3 player as I was enjoying the Christmas lights in my neighborhood! GOOD TIMES!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

This was definitely one of the best Thanksgivings I have ever had. My mom had everybody over - my aunt and uncle, four of my cousins and 3 of my second cousins - which are ages 5 y/o to 6 mos; as well as my grandma and my immediate family. It was such a good time, especially since we hardly get to see them. We ate, then played card games for probably 4 hours straight and ate some more. Good times.

Found out my 13 y/o cousin is following in her mom's footsteps (as well as mine) at playing volleyball. She's setter and also hitter, and from what I hear, has a nice serve as well. Hooray! ...someone after my own heart :). I can't wait to go to her games!

Then I saw how great my dad is w/ kids. He was entertaining my cousin's 5 y/o son so well. They were best buddies for a while. It was so cute and fun just watching them together. I said to my mom, "You guys need to have more kids." She said back to me, "No, we need grandkids..." Man, if that doesn't put the pressure on... :0 Oh well, guess she will just have to keep waiting b/c I don't see any prospects... :( Where are the guys these days anyway? I think God is teaching me to let Him fill that void in my life...

Anyway, I posted a couple pics from today. Good times!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

All I can say is, wow...

I was on my way home tonight when a gorgeous sunset filled the sky. The sun was so big and so close. I have never seen it that large or close before. At one point, it looked red. I could have cried... it was amazing... God is amazing.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Miracle Friday...

I think I've been going non-stop since Tuesday - the start of Sharathon for WCSG radio. I honestly haven't had a day off since two Fridays ago. But it's been a blast! God is working in ways that I never imagined! He NEVER ceases to amaze me!

I have to share about Miracle Friday. It was this past Friday - the last day of Sharathon. We needed $250,000 pledged in 6 hours. Seems unfathomable - especially considering we hardly did that on Thursday in 14 hours, but God works in awesome ways when we step out in faith and believe that it is going to happen. I went to Sharathon that day believing, YES, BELIEVING AND PROCLAIMING, that we were going to make it to our goal. I stepped out in faith believing God was going to provide. I persistently said from the moment Sharathon got on the air that morning, "We are going to make it." When Brook brought out her umbrella and said it's going to rain - I immediately said, "It's going to rain down money!" Then when Tommy started talking about the weather and didn't seem to get it right away, I was like, "No, it's going to rain down money!" Then he kept looking at Brook and eventually got it. Yes, it's going to rain down money - blessings from above. As I kept saying that we were going to make it, I realized what I was saying and said to Topher, "No, God's going to make it." And Topher said, "That's right."

As the morning progressed, the phones kept ringing and ringing and ringing, and I kept saying and praying, "Keep it coming God. Keep it coming!" And HE did, so fast that Topher and I could hardly keep up. We would approve one pledge and 5 more would show up. It was SO AMAZING TO WATCH GOD WORK BEFORE OUR VERY EYES.

Then as we were inching up on 12 noon and our goal, I thought, "Alright, we're going to make it even if we do go past 12 noon." I decided I would be okay with that. As we were getting closer to the $1.25 million mark (the goal) and Topher was getting busy, I said, "Hey Topher, I'll take over from here." ...b/c I knew it was coming...

As the pledges came in small increments, I started getting antsy and wondering what I could do, but God said to me, "Just let me work." Then 60 seconds later, ...it came. A daysponsor! I turned to Janet and said, "We made it." Then to Topher, "Topher, we made it." And did he get a grin on his face -"Really?" I said - "Yep, a daysponsor just came thru..." He then said, "Did you get the name?" I said, "No, but I can find it..." He said, "No, I'll get it.." He looked it up and found the name... He then revealed to me that the pledge came in at... 11:58am. God did it.

A couple other facts:

More money was pledged by 12pm Friday than by 8pm Thursday.
In the 7 o'clock hour alone on Friday, $52,000 was pledged.


Yes, that day was indeed Miracle Friday.