Friday, April 13, 2007

Macs rock!

Under the advice of several close friends and a colleague, I finally made the BIG step of buying a MacBook Pro. I'm a Windows gal... no, wait, WAS a Windows gal. I've converted to Mac. I still have my Windows XP desktop that I will continue to use, but this Macbook Pro is amazing! I've never owned a Mac before, so this is all foreign to me. My friends have been kindly answering my questions as I work thru my "crises" when I can't find something - my first crisis was trying to get AIM up and running! That's a lifeline! lol Life is good now b/c it's working :) Feel free to jump on and say hi to me!

What's fun is discovering everything and once I find it, how much better (and creative) it is than Windows. I feel like a kid in a candy store :) The key is finding it though... and that's what the current challenge is. It makes it all the more fun though b/c everything is in a different spot and is all different. Like learning how to use a computer again ;) But every time I find something I'm used to, it's different looking but in a really cool way. It's all so creative graphically.

MacBook Pro's are known for being very good for graphic design and photography and also very user-friendly, which is perfect for me as this machine will kindly cater to enhancing my photo and graphic editing skills. One other thing that I'm amazed by is the sound quality this machine has - very, VERY good for a laptop. Brandon Heath is currently playing - yeah, it's good sound for sure.

So as I navigate thru this machine, feel free to drop your words of advice in the commments section! I'm looking for all the help I can get... :D

(Oh, and what's really cool is that I'm sitting in my living room hanging out online (vs. my computer room) - so now i can watch tv and hang out online. I feel so spoiled... Nah... ;) )

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