Thursday, May 24, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend...
...Remembering Our Troops

Remember our troops this weekend for all their sacrifices to make us free! God bless our troops and thank You for the stand they are taking for our freedom. Protect them. Keep them safe. Place Your guardian angels around them to protect them from all evil. God bless America. Bring us back to You.

Memorial Day Weekend is here and I had the high honors of creating the banner for WCSG's next "Change West Michigan Challenge" -> Tribute to Troops. This is the first banner I have ever designed and I gladly took on the challenge. What you see above is what I have created, but I give all the credit to God for making it happen. W/o Him, this never would have happened. I actually took the pic of the flag. It is currently flying proudly on my mom's house... I had asked her to put her flag out so I could take a pic of it for this banner. I was pleasantly surprised with how it all turned out!

Check it out on WCSG:


Chad Oneil Myers said...

Cool banner, Amanda.

I saw Pirates 3 last night, the 10:00pm showing, which means it didn't get over until almost 1:00am! That's ok though, cause I'm a "night owl".

It was pretty cool. I don't want to spoil anything or give you any biases going into it, so let me know what you think after you see it.

Amanda said...

Thanks Chad...

Planning to see Pirates tomorrow w/ my bro... I promised last school year that I'd take him to the next two Pirates movies if he got A's on certain tests in school last year... so my final pay-off is tomorrow :D

Chad Oneil Myers said...

That's really cool. Ok, give me your review afterwards and we're compare notes.