Monday, March 26, 2007

Weekend is here!

Yes, it is the start of my weekend. I just finished working the last 4 out of 5 days at work, and yes, those are each 12+ hour shifts. I've had enough! No more babies for me for 2 days! (...back at it on Wednesday...) We are still pushing 100 babies. The spring chicks are here! It's just crazy how many people are having babies right now! But you know what, I'm caring for a whole new generation. Pretty cool when you think about it.

Last night after work, I was able to watch a whole episode of the Amazing Race! That was the FIRST whole episode I have seen all season... mainly b/c it's on Sunday nights at 8pm when I'm lucky if I'm home by 8:30pm. Fortunately, CBS is carrying NCAA and if the game goes long, it pushes all of CBS's programming back. Hence the fact that the race actually started at 8:30pm. That was sweet. Go Uchenna and Joyce or Dustin and Candice! You 2 are my top 2 favorites. Uchenna and Joyce have won before, so I may go for the girls... We'll see. I haven't seen enough to decide.

After the Race, I still had so much pent up stress that I went rollerblading about 3-4 miles at 9:30pm. Some may think I'm crazy for working all day and then rollerblade that late...? Yeah, that's me :). When I'm stressed out and need an outlet, I exercise. I'll throw on some TobyMac, Mark Schultz or Klink (David Klinkenberg) and exercise just about as hard as I till I can't go any farther. Then I slow my pace, the music is off and it's just me w/ my thoughts and me w/ God. And the peace transcends...

God, You never cease to amaze me.

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