Monday, August 20, 2007


One word God continues to place in my mind...

Many people ask me or wonder to themselves why I don't have a guy in my life. At 24, they are baffled that I have never dated, that I have not even gone out on one date. I hear it time and time again... "You are a beautiful girl. You are fun. You are a great person. You're heart is shining for Him. I just can't believe you don't have the boys chasing you!" (Thank you for the compliments as I definitely take them to heart.) You know, I don't know why either. I have done a lot of praying and thinking about it. I have been trying to seek His will, not mine. And after all that seeking and praying and yet still trying to do my own will rather than His, I hear Him quietly telling me to wait. That is one word I have heard from Him over and over and over and OVER again... Wait.

WAIT?? I'm tired of waiting!! Where is he? Who is he? What's his name? What does he look like? What color are his eyes? What does he enjoy doing? Is he outgoing? Does he like to travel? Does he like kids? Does he like music? Does he have a huge passion for You? Is he a leader? Does he have a servant's heart? Will he be able to keep up with me? Is he thinking about me as I think about him? Is he wondering about me too?

Just wait. I'm preparing him for you and you for him. Wait. Wait for Me. My timing. Don't rush. Don't worry. Don't force things that aren't meant to be. Don't try to do it your way. Wait for Me. My timing. I have a plan for you. This plan will blow you away and that's why I can only show it to you as you live it :) All I can tell you is that this plan FIRST entails using your season of singleness. I can use you in ways that I could not otherwise! You are free. You are free to be all you can be for ME! Relish it. Enjoy it. Love it. Live in My light as I use you to set the world on fire...

As I come to accept this, a real peace and joy fills my heart. God wants to use ME to change the world. To make a difference for HIM. To love on those around me ~ my family, my friends, my coworkers, my patients and their families, my acquaintances, those whom I touch on a mission trip, those that read my blog, those I may see for a moment and then they are gone... God is choosing ME to leave a lasting impact in this world for ETERNITY.

I love that! GOD's plan is so much more exciting than I could ever imagine! Living life on the edge. Living life to the FULLEST. Living life for Christ. Living FREE!

God is good. He never ceases to amaze me as He continues to teach me to just breathe and let life happen...


Anonymous said...

It is quite true that God is preparing that certain person especially for you. I had almost delegated myself to be 'on the shelf' when the following week this man rang to ask me out. We had known each other for years on a social basis, nothing more. In just over a year we were married very happily for sadly eight years before God called him to Himself - what wonderful years those were.

Unknown said...

It is quite true Amanda, God is preparing the certain person just for you. I had delegated myself to being 'on the shelf' for ever, when a man I knew socially, rang to ask if we could go to a meeting together. Just over a year later we married which lasted for eight wonderful years. So you can never tell when you will meet that special person. God does know what is best for you.