Friday, August 10, 2007

I luv my friends

My friends rock! Amanda just hung out w/ me yesterday and this AM. We did SO much! We painted 2 of my walls in my living room - green :D. Then George gave us a call and we hung out w/ him for the evening. We went to a poetry club, then hung out w/ him and his friend, Gerritt, at Gerritt's place. That guy has a gorgeous house! Very impressed. His car was sweet too. When I asked them what his car looked like so I knew who to look for to follow him to his place, George said, "You'll know his car. It's an old beater." So considering the part of town we were in, I believed him. It was dark out. So when this gorgeous pimp-mobile rolled out, I was like, "Amanda, is that them?!" Yeah, it was. Wow. I was in shock. That is a nice car!! Then we started rolling thru his neighborhood. Wow. Higher end of town for sure. Too fun. He even gave us the grand tour to his house. Very nice. He had THE coolest microwave. It could make anything! All you had to do was tell it what you wanted, and it cooked it to the tee. I want that when I replace my kitchen!! There was even a kids menu. So if I'm making hot dogs, it asked how many... Or had an option for 5" pizza (kids size). There was also options for "adult" sized pizzas. You could make fancier stuff than that too including meat. That was sweet. I think I was more entertained by that than anything else in the house! Once they managed to pull me and Amanda away from the microwave ;), we watched THE original Batman movie. That was too funny. 'Sea is for catwoman!" Yeah, George was so baffled by that. I have to agree, it was so random as to how they got that clue... It was funny making fun of the movie and watching everyone react to the it. Good times.

We ended up leaving for home at 12:30a and finally hit the sack at 1:30a... then got up at 6:30a to head down to the "southern" WaYfm studio to hang out w/ Rich and Rick (unbeknownst to them, mind you ;) ). We brought them muffins and some Ting :D Amanda heard them talk about muffins yesterday morning and wanted one so bad, so we bought a bunch. Grabbed those and some Ting and cruised down to the WaYfm studio at 7:10 in the morning. It's been about 4-5 months since I've been there for Sharathon. I luv that town and miss it. That studio and station is awesome too. They have a great view and it's SO nice over there. It was great to go back and relive some memories. Anyway... we show up at the doorstep of WaYfm to find the doors locked. Amanda called Rich in the studio on her cell and tells him we brought him some Ting and muffins :) He didn't believe her at first. He's like, "Where are you?" 'Check your door! We're at your door.' Out he came and was floored to see us at the WaYfm doorstep. We walked in the studio and w/in 5 minutes we were on the air! Good times! I luv being on the air. We got to be on for a couple breaks. We were even the center of an entire break as they grilled us on what we would like to have guys do when they are around us... 'Open the door?' 'Stand when you enter a room?' 'Ask your dad for permission to marry you?' 'Write you handwritten notes?' 'Say the blessing for the meal?' We each got to answer these the questions. That was very fun. Maybe we made a little difference in the "advice" we gave to guys when they are around us girls. Then we chilled out w/ Rich after the show, got a free CD, gave Amanda tour of the studio and station, then headed home to re-inflate her tire so she could go work for her dad!

Good times. Need to do this again!! :D


Chad Oneil Myers said...

That frog looks very happy ;)

Anonymous said...

Amanda! I had Soo much fun that day! Haha never a dul moment! Gotta love it!
<3 amanda g

Amanda said...

Amanda!! Luv ya sis! Can't wait to c u soon :D