Monday, June 11, 2007

Our First Jamaican Sunset

The mission: To reach the Jamaicans with the love of Jesus and the Gospel of Christ.

The time: 4:30am. The destination: Montego Bay, Jamaica. Time to get up: 2:30am. Average number of hours of sleep per team member last night: 2 hours.

That’s how we started our morning. Most of us received very little sleep last night in anticipation for take off this AM. Some of us did last minute packing last night before hitting the sack – well, those of that actually made it to bed that is. Some of us decided that by the time the packing was done, it was almost pointless to go to sleep. As in what’s the point of going to bed for an hour… Some of us spent the night in the dorms at Cornerstone enjoying a “slumber party” with an hour and a half “nap” for a good night’s rest… Yeah, not the best way to start a mission trip, but as we’ve been planning and anticipating this trip for the last 2 months, sleep was the furthest thing from our minds. And actually, for those of that tried, sleep was almost impossible to come by. The adrenaline had kicked in to full swing and there is no desire to sleep. But, in spite of the lack of sleep, we are all in very good spirits and smiles. We’ve been joking around, teasing to no end, pulling out one-liners and all around having a good time …as we have become a family.

1 comment:

Chad Oneil Myers said...

Sounds like you're having a great time. That's cool.