Friday, November 16, 2007

Live in the God Moments

Recently I found myself watching one of my favorite movies that actually changed my life ever since it came out in 2001... Princess Diaries. Yes, Princess Diaries changed my life. It inspired and challenged me to give myself a full makeover over time... As a result, it has become one of the best things I could have ever done as I now have self-confidence in myself, in how I look, in how I relate to other people, the list goes on... It's amazing how much an effect appearance has not only on my own mental capacities but in how other people treat me.

For those of you who didn't know me back in the day... What exactly did I change and why did it affect who I am? Well, I used to have very short hair - comparable to that of a guy. I have been actually been called a boy several times in my life (and people seriously and genuinely thought I was a boy). I never used to wear makeup or manicure my eyebrows. I also didn't wear in-style clothing. Nowadays, you will find me with long hair, makeup, manicured eyebrows and in-style clothing. None of which I did while growing up as my mother never taught me to. Therefore, I had to teach myself. I chose to give myself a full makeover over the course of a couple years. I started with my clothes and eyebrows. Then moved onto my hair. The hair took the longest!! Then moved onto makeup and shoes.

Granted appearance isn't everything, but in today's society, it is vital to survival. In today's world, so much emphasis is placed on physical outer appearance. Back in the day, when I wasn't so stylish, I was rejected. Not accepted. Ignored. Not respected. Just as Mia was in Princess Diaries. Both of us, respectable, loving people, were completely disregarded in society due to our lack of style and appearance.

Why? Why was that the case? Why do we place SO much emphasis on appearance? Why is it SO important to look just so or to wear this or that instead of that or this? Why do we shun and ignore each other if we don't look like America's next top model?? I take the blame too... Notice I used the word "we" - to include me. I am just as guilty as the next person.

You know, now that I have changed my appearance, just as Mia Thermopolous did in Princess Diaries, my self-confidence, self-esteem and outlook on life has completely changed. I feel pretty now. I feel loved by more people than just my family. I feel accepted. I feel like a leader. Maybe that's why What Not to Wear on TLC has become so popular and is also one of my favorite TV shows. I have learned so much on how to dress and how to do my makeup from watching that show alone. I now put things together or wear different outfits I would not have dared tried before. So much fun! Again, emphasis put on outward appearance... Once I started looking the part, people started to accept me more readily. I have more friends now than I ever have. I love it and definitely don't take ANY of you for granted but at the same time...

It really makes me question the same question my friend asked on his blog recently ( Is it genuine? Is it authentic? When we place so much emphasis on outward appearance, are we really loving people for who they are as a person or are we loving them for how they look? It again makes me question, do people really love or like me for me? What if I didn't look like this? What if I still looked like I did back in the day? Would I still receive this much respect from those around me?

You know, when I don't feel pretty, I think people are going to shun me or not like me for me. There are many times when I don't feel pretty, and I worry that people will reject me. So when I'm not all "dolled up", when I don't have any makeup on or when I'm in my scrubs or in my lounge pants while I'm out in public, I am extremely self-conscious b/c I'm afraid of rejection. I'm afraid of being shunned or ignored. I'm afraid that people won't like me for me just as they did in elementary school, middle school and my first two years of high school.

But then God reminds me that APPEARANCE IS NOT EVERYTHING!! It's your HEART. You need to be beautiful on the inside before you can be beautiful on the outside. Once you are well manicured on the inside, it will shine full force to the outside as you will be blazing bright with the glory of God as He shines through you. Then those around you will no longer see you. They will see Christ.

One thing I have always valued as a result of being ignored and shunned while growing up is the fact that I have learned how to get to know the heart of a person. I no longer take appearance as the end all. I take time to get to know a person's heart. Some of the toughest people I have ever met have the greatest hearts deep down, but it takes a persistent person to find it - to get beyond the walls they have built up over the years to protect themselves. Deep down they have a tender loving heart, and it's amazing to see that heart blossom when they allow it. You know it's there and if you watch closely enough, you will see rays of love and tenderness peek through the cracks in the walls. Those are God moments :)

My challenge to you... Be real. Be authentic. Love the heart of the person ~ the true treasure of God.

Live in the God moments.

1 comment:

Chad Oneil Myers said...

Wow, it really sounds like you've been through quite a metamorphisis. I had no idea.

I think it's cool that you took it upon yourself to do that.