Thursday, October 25, 2007

Set the World on Fire (Britt Nicole) 2

The song that continues to define my life (to listen, click here: Set the World on Fire). The song I draw inspiration. It speaks to the depths of my heart and soul as I look to Christ for guidance. Where do I go from here? What are your ultimate plans for my life? ...I keep coming back to this song... He asks me..."What is your passion?" For You to take my dreams and give them WINGS. Use me to set the world on fire. With You Lord, there is NOTHING I cannot do. My hands, my feet, my everything, my heart, my life, my love, LORD USE ME to set the world on fire. That is my one true passion for You Lord. I want You to use me to set the world on fire.

Where does that leave me today? As I look to grad school and decide where to go... Do I relocate? Do I stay where I am and take online courses? What do I do? God has finally given me clarity. After tons of prayer of my own and my family and friends all asking for clarity and guidance, God has told me to stay right where I am. Where He has placed me. He can do more with me where I am in the here and now. He has surrounded me with amazing people - family and friends. To leave that for school and money would most likely devastate me. Last night at Bible study, one of the girls received a phone call from her mom saying that her brother almost attempted suicide. He had left home to go to school about an hour and half away. He was stressed beyond belief and had no one to vent to. That hit home real hard for me. That could have been me. Away from my entire support system. Stressed with work and school and no one to turn to or vent to. No shoulder to cry on. I could have been that person wanting to end it all b/c I was so stressed out and far from my support system. I'd like to think I'm stronger than that but at the same time, I've never been in that kind of situation w/o some kind of support system.

God has surrounded me with my new friends in Bible study - (sidenote) S.O.S ROCKS MY WORLD. Be ready for the next one - if you have never done this series - DO IT!!! It's for married, dating and singles alike. We happen to be a group of all singles - guys and girls - but anyone can do it. It will change your life!! It is a series by Tommy Nelson ( It is amazing. Our entire group is fired up over this. It blows our minds. God never ceases to amaze us. (end sidenote :) ).

God has also surrounded me with my Jamaica family. So many good friendships there. I love my family. Also I have my immediate family nearby. Plus a mission trip or two in the planning for the near future with more friendships and leadership opportunities to be had. Honduras with WaYfm is something I am really looking forward to.

Plus I have my house! I love my cozy house that I'm slowly fixing up and have several projects in the works.

I also have an awesome job and work with amazing people. My managers, coworkers and docs love me. And I love working with them.

To leave all this behind for money - which turned out to not be as great as what I thought - so NOT worth it. Ya'll are stuck with me a bit longer... but for some reason I don't think that will be too much of a problem :p

I have peace. I'm so at peace and relaxed about this decision. To stay home and study online for my masters - total peace. No stress. Just peace. God is good. He has made Michigan my home. My roots are deep. I do have dreams to go elsewhere to be used by God, but my roots are deep here. This is my base. A place where I will always call home. I may come and go from here and there, but I will always come home.

And as for a sign off to this post, let me introduce you to my twins. You may remember hearing a little about them in previous posts (and if you know me, you know they are not "mine"). With permission from their mom to share this, here is their picture debut on my blog... Harrison and Natalie...

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