Monday, August 13, 2007

Shooting Stars, Cops, Sleeping, Milky Way

Last night was so much fun! We met at my friend Erin's place, then headed over as a group to a park out away from the city to watch the meteor shower. We were there from about 10p till 12:30a. We saw a star shoot by almost as soon as we got there. It was phenomenal. I have never seen anything like that before! There was one that shot past right in front of us! It was SO bright that it looked like burning magnesium - remember in chemistry lab? Yeah, almost that bright. Also reminded me of a firework or firecracker shooting up into the sky... only this was across the sky. It was amazing. There were many others last night too. Some bright, some dim. We'd be looking around into the gallaxy, then all of a sudden out of the corner of our eyes, we'd see one shoot by. Peak time for us was about 10p-12:15a. It was awesome.

Where we went to watch was at a park that closes at dusk, so Erin said to keep it down so the cops wouldn't get called on us for being there. As we are laying there talking and having a good time w/ each other and watching GOD's phenomenal creation, cars were coming and going from the park... then 30 minutes after being there, two cop cars rolled in. My heart sank. Great, they are going to kick us out and we won't get to see anything more... Both cops got out and said, "Hey, have you seen anything yet?" Yes!! We replied, "Oh yeah, lots! It's really cool!" The one cop said, "Shut your lights off so they can see." Phew. We can relax and enjoy the show. Those cops were great! They were so nice to us last night and eventually left after about 5-10 minutes to leave us to our fun :D

Then at about 11:30p, our group left b/c they had to get up early. Beth and I had driven separately and decided to stay longer. Just the two of us. Good bonding time. It was so worth staying another hour as we saw several more shooting stars. ...some of which that were really bright! Eventually, we both fell asleep. Sleeping under the stars... Good times. What a site it is to wake up under a canopy of stars. Under the Milky Way.

Living life to the fullest! God never ceases to amaze me...

Thank you, God. What an amazing show you blessed us with!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oooooh fun! :) I had a guuuh-RATE time!!
