Thursday, May 3, 2007

The Sky Was On Fire

Since my arm and body has been healing quite progressively, I decided to attempt to ease back into the whole exercise groove. I went jogging for a mile and then walked another mile or so afterwards after hanging out w/ a good friend from high school :) On my way home after talking w/ my friend, the sky was on fire as the sun was setting... It was gorgeous. God is amazing.

I was feeling okay as I was running/walking - just my abdominal muscles were achy on and off - but it was bearable as I tend to have a high pain tolerance. All was fairly good till I got home and really started to feel it. More so later that night. I started to get cold and achy. In the early morning hours, my head was throbbing. I got up several times for a drink to keep my blood sugar up. That was a huge help to the headache, but it keeps coming back. So, I took some acetaminophen (aka Tylenol) and that's helping. Guess it's a chill out day for me to heal some more! Good thing it's warm out... that really helps.

Prayers for a quick recovery would be very much appreciated! Thanks a bunch!

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