Friday, December 22, 2006

Keeping your eyes and ears open...

God has been moving in ways that are astounding me. The more I look and the more I listen, the more I see and hear God working in this world. I have now realized that I didn't see God working much before b/c I wasn't looking for it. Ever since Caiden's first miracle about 1 1/2 years ago, I have heightened my awareness of God working in the world around me. I have seen miracles happen, have heard miracles happen, and have watched God move before my very eyes...

Caiden has had 2 miracles happen over the course of a year and a half - Caiden is CANCER FREE!!! And God is NOT done yet - Caiden will be perfectly healed in Jesus' Name.

Heather had a heart transplant and has zero rejection levels!!!

WCSG made it's Sharathon goal of $1.25 million by 11:58am - the goal was by 12 noon. That is the most they have raised ever. God brought in more money in the last day of Sharathon in 6 hours than on the previous day in 14 hours.

I have seen 2 miracle babies come thru the NICU recently - one was not expected to even be conceived; another was a twin who was expected to die before birth - both babies are alive and doing well.

I ran into a lady at the YMCA and found out her daughter was involved in a car accident a few years ago and that she had a brain injury from it. She proceeded to tell me that her daughter has fully recovered and is attending college.

God also used Tommy at the mall as an answer to a lady's prayer for a sign to pull herself back together and to go back to church. And you know what, God used me to send Tommy to the mall b/c he went there b/c I told him about a kiosk that was usually there this time of year that had the gift he was looking for. When he found out the place wasn't there, God led him to this particular store where this lady was working. If I hadn't told him to go to the mall, he would not have gone there at all. God then used Tommy to bring this lady back to Him. How cool is that? B/c Tommy had the light of Christ glowing from him, he was able to be a witness to this lady. He was willing and open to be used by God. Isn't God is amazing?!?? He turned a trip to the mall that was initially disappointing and frustrating into something that was used to bring someone back to Him.

God uses those who are willing and open to be used by Him to do His work. I know God has been using me in ways that I have never imagined. I'm a Neonatal nurse, therefore I touch the lives of hundreds of families every year in ways that are beyond my comprehension. By working weekend option, I am available to be used by God during the week in amazing ways... For one, I have been able to be apart of Caiden and his family's life. He has also led me to do volunteer work for Tommy and Brook and WCSG. As a result, I have developed MANY good friendships there. One amazing opportunity I had at WCSG was that I worked with Warren Kramer to design the WCSG Christmas website. For this site, God placed in my mind an idea to create a modern day nativity so people could relate to Luke 2 if it were to have happened today: Seek the Star, A Modern Nativity. I take no credit for this project - I give all the glory to God. God gave me the idea and He made it happen. He used my openness and willingness to be used by Him and He made it happen.

Therefore My challenge for you: Be open and be willing to be used by God. Ask Him to use you, b/c He will. Keep your eyes and ears open to see and hear God working around you.

Then be prepared to be amazed.

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